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(1)2008.092011.07  77779193永利官网,森林工程学科,博士

(2)2005.092008.07  77779193永利官网,森林工程学科,硕士

(3)2001.092005.07  77779193永利官网,森林工程专业,本科


主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金青年项目等科研项目15项。发表主要学术论文70余篇,其中SCIEI检索20余篇。出版学术著作4部(科学出版社出版1部)。获授权专利20余项。 担任中国林学会森林工程分会常务理事、古树名木分会理事、《森林工程》中文核心期刊青年编委、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、黑龙江省林草局古树名木入库专家等。



1)徐华东、徐国祺、王立海. 红松活立木腐朽诊断与防治. 科学出版社,2020.6.

2)徐华东. 活立木物理特征的无损检测研究. 77779193永利官网出版社,2020.12. 黑龙江省优秀出版著作.


[1] Ruixia Qin, Huadong Xu*, Yanbo Hu, Liming Zhao, Nengzhi Chen. The effect of frequency and temperature on dielectric properties of wood with high moisture content, Holzforschung, 2023, 77(2): 87-94.

[2] Jiaxing Guo , Peng Wang , Ruixia Qin , Liming Zhao , Xu Tang , Jianyong Zeng, Huadong Xu*. Detection of moisture content in logs using multi-parameter GPR signal analysis and neural network models, Holzforschung, 2023.2.27 (Published online) https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2022-0161

[3] Jiaxing Guo, Peng Wang, Yuting Wang, Huadong Xu*. Improving tree health assessment accuracy at low temperatures: considering the effect of trunk ice content on electrical resistance and stress wave tomography, Journal of Forestry Research, 2022,12: 1-8.

[4] Huadong Xu, Wenjing Chen, Yanjun Cao, Lihai Wang. Relationship between severity of trunk decay of Pinus koraiensis and soil properties around roots, Journal of forestry research. 2021, 32: 1213-1220.

[5] Huadong Xu , Jiedong Wei, Yanan Di, Ruixia Qin, and Zonglin Zhen. Changes in carbon sequestration in wood during decay by brown and white-rot fungi. Journal of biobased materials and bioenergy. 2020, 14: 414-419.

[6] Huadong Xu, Qizhe Li, Qun Xu, et al. Effects of brown-rot decay on the electrical resistance of wood and its mechanism. Bioresources. 2019,14(3),6134-6145.

[7] Huadong Xu, Yanan Di, Jed Cappellazzi, Jeffrey J Morrell. Effect of brown rot degradation on mass loss and compressive strength of Chinese poplar (Populus simonii). Maderas-Cienc Tecnol. 2019, 21(3):341-346.

[8] Huadong Xu, Hamid Reza Taghiyari, Milo Clauson, Michael R Milota, Jeffrey J Morrell. Effect of supercritical carbon dioxide treatment on gas permeability of Paulownia fortunei heartwood and sapwood. Wood and fiber science. 2019,51(1):1-5.


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